Our mission
Healthy good tasting Water For all
Motivated by a simple question - "what type of water is best for my baby?" - two friends, Shay and Ze'ev, set off on a mission to discover the highest quality of water, resulting in the founding of MAYU in 2018. Their purpose was to change the water industry and make it easier for people to stay hydrated & healthy without impacting the environment.
Troubled Water
What's in Our Drinking Water?
Essential to life like the air we inhale, drinking water is becoming evermore unclean and unsafe. A plethora of dangers, including chemical spills, polluting of water sources, abnormal weather shifts and continued pollution, all endanger our access to pure, safe water.
De naam MAYU
<tc>De spiraal van de Melkweg</tc>
Door de Andes heen geloofde men dat de Melkweg een rivier was met de naam MAYU. De bron van al het water op aarde. Voor de Inka zijn Aarde en Hemel met elkaar verbonden en de rivier MAYU weerspiegelt de Qhapaq Ñan, ook wel bekend als de hoofdweg door de Andes; de 23.000 km lange ruggengraat van de politieke en economische macht van het Incarijk.
Water is vital
We are incredibly minded about what we eat, but what about what we drink? Stay well hydrated and treat yourself to the best water possible for healthy long life. Every drop counts.
Help ons milieu
Geen plastic meer
Bij het bedrijf MAYU streven we ernaar iedereen de middelen te geven om thuis schoon en kwaliteitswater te maken zonder dat er plastic bij komt kijken. Onze missie verbindt het welzijn van de mens en onze planeet en biedt de juiste en mooie oplossing. Wanneer je een MAYU Water swirl, glazen fles koopt, verminder je het gebruik van PET/plastic, waardoor onze planeet weer schoon wordt.
combining natural vortex motion with
top quality innovative technology
Worldwide specialists in natural processes, chemistry, engineering, culinary and design, worked with us to realize our vision. The MAYU Water Swirl is the result of 100% focus on quality, design and environmental impact. Both the borosilicate carafe and porcelain base are handmade.
step 1
Purification Is Needed
Purifying water is essential to eliminate contaminants, similar to the process of the sun heating and evaporating H2O into the clouds. Nevertheless, once the filtration is complete, the water is denuded of its minerals and is lacking its full qualities and flavor.
step 2
Replenish With Essential Minerals
Filtered water are missing out on vital minerals our bodies require. Replenishing these minerals, such as Magnesium, Zinc and more, can provide a supplementary source of vital nutrients and guarantee our body get what it needs.
Step 3
Bring Water Back To Life
The MAYU Swirl device replicates the energy of water in the natural environment, creative a lively ambiance, keeping the water oxygenated and clean.